
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello friends and family! 

The concert went very well and it was so much fun to share music with you guys! You can watch the concert on my YouTube (linked below). On the music front, I have a goal of releasing an album near the end of 2022! 

There have been some changes to my future plans. As you have noticed, I am not currently out of country on the World Race! So, here’s what’s changed!  

I decided to attempt to transfer programs from World Race to Global U ( are both partners with Adventures in Missions. Global U is still a “gap-year” program, but it’s specifically designed to build students skills in entrepreneurship and leadership.  

I will be getting more experience in filmmaking and how I can use my gifts to make change in the world. I will be working with ministries that have 10-year plans and that make long-lasting effect in the areas they are rooted in. My greatest hope is that I will be empowered and educated in ways that I can work in the film industry as well as being able to stand on my own as an independent filmmaker.  

The choice to transfer programs is a long story and I’d love to share it with you if you want to connect over a phone call or in-person! Waiting to launch for World Race this last year I realized hadn’t been exactly waiting. Intense growth and discipleship can happen just as much where you are as being on the “mission field”.  

The last part of my update is about what I’ll be doing in a few weeks. My Global U program is set to launch in about 15 months. In those 15 months, I’ll be a student at Excel College ( It’s an amazing school where I can obtain my bachelors degree in two years including Global U in my education. There are many aspects of this school that I’m totally in love with and am excited to start this September and, again, I love human connection, if you are interested to hear more, please call or text me!!  

I’ll be moving to Black Mountain, North Carolina in a few weeks! Please pray for my journey, my curiosity to bloom even more, and my continuation of raising funds for now Global U!  

Transferring my fund was very complicated and a lengthy process but my fund is almost at $8,000 of $19,000! (Despite what it will look like on my fund bar!) Almost half-way! If you know of anyone that might be interested in hearing about my trip, please let me know. I have already connected with a few “strangers” that didn’t seem like strangers at all once we started talking.  

If you’d like to donate, you can venmo/paypal/cashapp me and I’ll put it in my fund since the tranfering fund process is still happening. (Venmo – @Sage-Haynes-1 / PayPal – @sagehaynes / Cashapp – $sagehaynes ) 

I’ll write about more details on my Global U trip in a future blog/email! 


Thanks for reading! 

Sage Haynes 


3 responses to “A BIG UPDATE WOW!”

  1. New adventures! I’m sure Global U will meet you wherever you are “at” in 15 months.

  2. Exciting news to hear! I saw that Grace really enjoyed the Global U program when she did it, and that she learned a lot about starting up her own business and letting God help with the process. We will miss you in Minnesota but I hope North Carolina treats you well!