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Happy January!

I’m currently at $2,362 of my fundraising. My next deadline is May 11th ($5,000) but there’s another deadline (June 25th) for $10,000 so I am aiming for $10,000 by May. There are a couple of announcements that I am very very excited to tell you!


  1. My Adopt a Box fundraiser is still going on and has had a bit of traction the last few weeks. 

If you haven’t heard, I am doing an Adopt a Box. It’s a graph that looks like the picture above. Each box equals the dollar amount (box 1 = $1, box 100 = $100) Once a column is filled, a dare is activated. Some of my most scary dares for me are climbing the Happy Slab route at REI (a personal goal of mine for the past year) and What’s in the Box? (a game where a random object is placed in a box and, without seeing it, I have to guess what it is) This gets fun when someone puts a porcupine in the box. 


  1. My YouTube channel is up and running! I post every other week. If you want to subscribe to my channel you can follow the link: 

  2. It’s officially being announced that in July, I am going to be performing a concert featuring mostly original work, but a few covers as well. I will steam the concert too if you want to join online!


Those are the few things I wanted to mention this month! Please let me know about any way you’d like to support my ministry and fundraising and thank you so much to the donations already made.